A Typical Labrador Retriever:
Male: 70-80 pounds, 23-24 inches at the Withers. Female: 60-70 pounds, 22-23 inches at the withers.
Male black Labrador Retriever.
55 pounds soaking wet and 21 inches at the withers.
As you can see, Rocky is anything but a Typical Labrador Retriever.
And as Rocky and I share our lives together his stories are turning out
to be anything but typical.
So I thought I'd share a non-Typical Labrador non typical stories by
following the path down Rocky's
on a link below to venture in to Rocky's Road
that day.
September 1, 2010 -
Face to Face with a Rabid Racoon
May 1, 2010 -
In the Sky. A Bird? A Plane?
October 5, 2009 -
Rocky bets a DFT made of Gold
August 1, 2009 -
Rocky Competes at the World Championships
July 15, 2009 -
Ooops, GET IT ROCKY... Good Boy...
June 26, 2009 -
April 2, 2009 -
Crazy Cat.
March 22, 2009 -
Love is in the Air.
February 28, 2009 -
Makes for Easy Trackin'.
January 3, 2009 -
Rocky Raccoon.
December 7, 2008 -
new friends.
November 19, 2008 -
cotton tail doesn't excite Tucker.
October 20, 2008 -
proceed to the Boom.
19, 2008 - How in the world can a rabbit swim?
18, 2008 -
training the BOOM Run
2, 2008 -
where do Birds come from?
24, 2008 -
Can dogs see in the dark?
August 9, 2008 -
July 31, 2008 -
a little green disk we call a turtle
July 17, 2008 -
2 little go carts
July 12, 2008 -
Tucker comes up victorious
6, 2008 -
Rocky thinks he's a pointer and a little fun
2, 2008 -
Rocky goes after the Floppin' mama ducks