October 2, 2008
Where do Birds Come From?
A Typical Labrador would probably answer that something like "well, form the
sky, of course. . . "
Well, not according to our Non-Typical Labrador Rocky.
According to Rocky. . .
The over abundance of Barn Swallows, Sparrows, Black birds, your average
everyday tweetie. . .
They don't come for the sky.
That daing long legged Rooster that can run through a field WAY faster than
him. . .
That CERTAINLY doesn't come from the sky.
Those "I can't catch those daing swimmin' pheasants" Mallards and Wood
They DEFINATELY don't come out of the sky.
So, if Birds don't come from the Sky, where in the world do they come from?
Well. . .
According to Rocky, Birds definitely come from the Ground.
They simply start from a seed and grow in to this creature that, for one,
smells GREAT, and are the most
annoying creature because HE CAN'T CATCH THEM.
So, that all being said, Rocky philosophy is this. . .
Chase these Ground Dwellers, and I emphasize GROUND DWELLERS, and hope that
dads long steel noise maker
takes'm down.
So, when we visit the wet land area on Rocky's Road around dusk, and the
Wood Ducks are dropping in like
flies, from the sky of course, we have to ask ourselves, "Why is our
Non-Typical Labrador healing next to
dad, NOT wondering why we're not going after those swimmin' pheasants
droppin' from the sky?"
Well, the only answer I can come up with is, They can't be birds. Birds
don't come from the sky.
The only thing on Rocky's mind is "Why in the world am I healing here when
that big field over there has
Birds on the ground to be chased. . . "