September 3, 2010
Now this isn't something that is completely new
to Rocky. He's confronted the masked maniacs many times in his illustrious
hunting career.
But those encounters have always been in the field. . .
So yesterday afternoon I come home from work and McKenzie comes running up to
me, winded and so full of excitement I could barely understand her.
"Dad, Dad. . . There's a raccoon in Rocky's kennel.” Says McKenzie.
And she goes on and on talking about this Furry Masked Rodent that some how
found his way in to Rocky's Kennel. Then she hands me a business card from “Minnesota
Critter Getter Animal Control”.
Well, I've been around some crazy things with these dogs in my day, but I have
to admit, I've never heard of a raccoon finding his way in to a Full Grown
HUNTING Lab's kennel.
So, it was very easy for me to take McKenzie's story with a grain of kibble, if
you know what I mean.
So, I take the Business Card, check on Rocky quick, which he was Just Fine, and
made my way in to the house.
Then I figured, what the hay, I might as well call the Getter's to hear their
story. I mean, after all, McKenzie just didn't Make that business card. . .
I had a real nice conversation with Sandra from the Critter Getters, in fact
she's got a hunting dog that she wants trained for Big Air, but that's another
story. . .
She told me that rabid raccoons are common this time of year and they get a bit
crazy when that happens and they find their way in all kinds of crazy places.
This particular Masked Fella was so crazy he decided to take on a Full Grown
NOT a good idea Fella. . . According to Sandra, the Crazy Masked one was Down
for the count in Rocky's kennel when she got there, and Rocky had a Big Ole Sh!t
eatin’ grin on his face. . . That a boy Rockers. . .
She really wanted me to call her to make sure Rocky and my other dogs were up to
date on their Rabbies/Distemper shots. . .
Rocky, Jimmy, Remi, and McKenzie are doing GREAT and I hope that sends a message
to all Masked Rodents across the Nation. . . If you're going to go crazy and
wonder in to crazy places, don't make it a Full Grown HUNTING Labs kennel. . Or
maybe you should. . .