July 12, 2008
Ok, you’re going to love this one.

This morning my boys and I set out for venture down Rocky’s Road.

These ventures always start out walking down “Hare Haven”.
That’s a 60 acre bean field that butts up to a woods where all the furry little long eared hoppers live. In the morning these crazy speedsters come out in to the bean field for their morning breakfast. The young fella (Rocky) knows this and anticipates it by racing up to edge of the bean field and poking his nose out through the weeds hoping to get a eye ball on one of these creatures, hoping to put a sneak attack on it. The young at heart fella (Tucker) knows the damn things are just WAY TOO FAST to even think about lookin’ at. Wink
So he takes his sweet time and does his own thing, if you know what I mean, after all it was a long time since his last do your own thing Wink.

After realizing there’s no fur ball to be seen, we proceed to take out walk along the edge of the bean field to get to our next destination, Rocky’s hill. As we’re walking along the edge, the youngster Rocky’s got his nose, as he always does, busy in the weeds, probably going after a field mouse, thinking it’s a HUGE HARE. Tucker and I continue on. We get about 30 yards ahead of the youngster and the youngsters realizes it. So, he puts’er in to high gear to catch up and races past us like a cat chasing a mouse.

Big mistake their oh little one. As he flew by us, there was a sneaky little fur hopper hiding in the beans. As Tucker and I walk by it, the thing gets nervous and sprints for the weeds. Only this time the OLD, WISE, YOUNG at Heart was there. All those years of experience came out of Tucker for just enough time to make a couple of hard steps to YES, You got it, catch the Raceing Fur ball.

Ok, now this is too funny. This is what these runs are all about according to Rocky. Those rabbits are his, no one else’s. He gets sooo caught up in a field mouse, thinking it’s a Rabbit and Tucker could give a rats behind and Tucker comes up victorious.

Never a dull moment down Rocky's Road.