December 7, 2008
Well, it’s been a busy bird season for the boys.
Our Young at Heart Tucker continues to amaze us with his Stamina,
Dedication, and a Seasoned Experience that is second to none.
Our Non-Typical Rocky continues to amaze us with his Desire, Determination,
and second to none Abilities. With strong Field Lines that go deep in to his
Mother Haley’s side of the family, Rocky proves day-in and day-out that He’s
taken every inch of his abilities and tested them to the highest degree.
Once again, Rocky has proven that he is anything but your Typical Labrador
However, even with the long days in the field, we still manage to take in
our daily experiences down Rocky’s Road.
It appears we have a couple of new friends on the trail. Long gone are the
days of the fluffy bouncing cotton tails, and the swift little stink bombs.
Of course, there is a foot of snow on the ground and we’re hittin’ the
single digits on the thermometer.
I’d like to introduce “Rudy the Rooster” and “Helga the Hen” (hopefully
photos to come soon)
Over the past week or so, it seems Rudy and Helga have found a cozy, cuddly
new home, according the them anyway. Our Non-Typical would like to think
You see, our little Rocky misses his furry little stink bomb friends and his
fluffy cotton tail buddies, so when Rudy and Helga decided to stake claim to
the cat tails, Rocky thought he got a couple-o-new friends.
Well, the chase is on. Every morning and Every evening Rocky gets to go play
with his new buddies Rudy and Helga. I don’t think he’ll ever get to give
them a hug or even shake their feet for that matter. But I DO think Rocky,
Rudy, and Helga will be gettin’ plenty-o-exercise over the next few chilly